Free Spanish Worksheets for the Spanish Classroom
Spanish Worksheets in the Foreign Language Classroom
Worksheets are great for helping students retain their vocabulary. That's why we have created these tools so you can create free worksheets in just a few mintues! These worksheets will also help diversify the types of learning in your Spanish classroom.
Create Free Crossword Puzzle Worksheets By Visual Link™ Spanish

Generate Free Crossword Puzzle Worksheets: create your own cross-word puzzles using the vocabulary you are currently teaching. The puzzles are easy to create and allow students to think about the words they are learning. Give them English words in the clues and have them answer with the Spanish equivalent.
Create Free Wordsearch Worksheets By Visual Link™ Spanish

Generate Free Wordsearch Worksheets: take any vocabulary list you currently have and insert the Spanish and English words itno the worksheet creator. Create the custom worksheet and print it off for use in the classroom.
Other Free Resources for the Spanish Teacher
The other free resources available to you in the Visual Link Spanish™ Online Classroom all involve interactive lessons, games and quizes for your students. You will find:
- 450 interactive lessons, games and activites.
- Verb conjugation lessons, including 10 tenses and over 10,000 different conjugations.
- Interactive tutorials covering the 11 hardest grammar topics for students.
- Comprehension exercises.
- Culture section.
These resources and lessons can be used in junior high or high school Spanish classes as homework assignments or extra credit. The verb lessons make especially good foreign language classroom activities on the computer. Feel free to use them however you see fit.
Want more?
View all the "tools for teachers". Visual Link Spanish™ is the perfect resource for teachers and your students.
Also you can find Lesson Plans for Spanish Teachers and Free Resources.