Flash Cards

Cinco de Mayo - Spanish Word List

Cinco de Mayo is a big deal. Learn new Spanish words related to Cinco de Mayo with free audio flash cards!


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  Spanish English
Word(s) es cierto that's right / it's true
Phrase(s) Oh es cierto, Oh, that's right,
Word(s) dime tell me
Phrase(s) Y dime Francisco, And tell me, Francisco,
  Y dime, ¿hay alguna comida especial And tell me, is there a special food
Word(s) desfilamos we parade
Phrase(s) y todos desfilamos and we all parade
Word(s) dar un discurso to give a speech
Phrase(s) dar un discurso. give a speech.
Word(s) el Cuatro de Julio the Fourth of July
Phrase(s) Entonces, ¿como el Cuatro de Julio So, like the Fourth of July
  que en Estados Unidos el Cuatro de Julio. as the Fourth of July in the United States.
Word(s) el Día de la Independencia Independence day
Phrase(s) el Día de la Independencia lo celebramos we celebrate Independence day
Word(s) ahora entiendo now I understand
Phrase(s) Oh, ahora entiendo Oh, now I understand
Word(s) pienso en I think about
Phrase(s) yo pienso en fiesta. I think of parties.
Word(s) ¿podrías invitarme? could you invite me?
Phrase(s) ¿Podrías invitarme? Could you invite me?
Word(s) antojitos mexicanos Mexican goodies
Phrase(s) antojitos mexicanos. Mexican goodies.
Word(s) me recordaste you reminded me
Phrase(s) ahora que me recordaste now that you reminded me
Word(s) pasarla bien to have a good time
Phrase(s) podemos pasarla bien esta tarde, we can have a good time this afternoon,

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Cinco de Mayo is an important celebration in Mexico. It is essential that you can talk about Cinco de Mayo if you want to learn Spanish. Click on the Premium Services demo on Spanish Words menu to learn about how you can better understand native Spanish speakers and become a master of Spanish comprehension. All of the word lists come from the Premium Services.

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