Hotel Conversation Part 1 - Spanish Word List
See words below in a real-life conversation
Spanish | English | |
Word(s) | bienvenida | welcome |
Phrase(s) | Bienvenida, buenas tardes, | Welcome, good afternoon. |
Word(s) | mis dos amigas | my two friends |
Phrase(s) | Una para mí, y dos para mis dos amigas. | One for me, and two for my two friends. |
Word(s) | tu nombre completo | your full name |
Phrase(s) | tu nombre completo? | your full name. |
Word(s) | todas las registraciones | all the registrations |
Phrase(s) | Ok, ¿y todas las registraciones están en el nombre tuyo, | ok, and all the registrations are in your name, |
Word(s) | voy a hallarlas | I'll find them |
Phrase(s) | voy a hallarlas, voy a buscarlas para poderte ubicar. | I'll find them, I'll find them to be able to locate you. |
Word(s) | buscar | to search for |
Phrase(s) | voy a hallarlas, voy a buscarlas para poderte ubicar. | I'll find them, I'll find them to be able to locate you. |
Word(s) | ubicar | to locate |
Phrase(s) | voy a hallarlas, voy a buscarlas para poderte ubicar. | I'll find them, I'll find them to be able to locate you. |
Word(s) | tráiganos | bring us |
Phrase(s) | Sí. Por favor tráiganos | Yes. Please bring us |
Word(s) | botellas de agua | bottles of water |
Phrase(s) | tres botellas de agua. | three bottles of water. |
alcánzame para las señoras tres botellas de agua. | pass me three bottles of water for the ladies. | |
Word(s) | ya regreso | I'll be right back |
Phrase(s) | Ya regreso. | I'll be right back. |
Word(s) | efectivamente | effectively |
Phrase(s) | Efectivamente, ustedes tienen reservaciones. | Indeed, you all have reservations. |
Word(s) | el piso alto | the high floor |
Phrase(s) | en el piso alto del hotel, | on the high floor of the hotel, |
Word(s) | el primer piso | the first floor |
Phrase(s) | o que sean en el primer piso del hotel? | or to be on the first floor of the hotel? |
Word(s) | el edificio | the building |
Phrase(s) | Quiero el piso más alto del edificio | I want the highest floor of the building |
Word(s) | la ciudad | the city |
Phrase(s) | porque quiero tener una buena vista de la ciudad. | because I want to have a nice view of the city. |
Word(s) | una montaña | a mountain |
Phrase(s) | que es una montaña que tenemos cerca a nuestro hotel, | that is a mountain that we have close to our hotel, |
Word(s) | una vista muy bonita | a very nice view |
Phrase(s) | y es una vista muy bonita. | and it's a very nice view. |
Word(s) | hay un error | there is a mistake |
Phrase(s) | No. Creo que hay un error aquí | No. I think that there is a mistake here |
Word(s) | todas juntas | all together |
Phrase(s) | Queremos poder estar todas juntas. | We want to be able to be all together. |
Word(s) | el cambio | the change |
Phrase(s) | yo te puedo hacer el cambio. | I can make the change for you. |
Word(s) | corregir | to correct |
Phrase(s) | Te puedo corregir este error. | I can correct this mistake. |
Word(s) | el número de su habitación | your room number |
Phrase(s) | Ahora, el número de su habitación | Now, the number of your room |
Word(s) | constan de cocina | they consist of a kitchen |
Phrase(s) | Estas habitaciones también const…constan de cocina. | These rooms also consist…consist of a kitchen. |
Word(s) | nevera | fridge |
Phrase(s) | Tienen cocina con su nevera, | They have a kitchen with its refrigerator |
Word(s) | un desayuno | a breakfast |
Phrase(s) | que hagas un desayuno | for you to make a breakfast |