Learn More about Spanish Digital Learning Center
Visual Link Spanish Digital Learning Center
Boost your vocabuary, master grammar topics and learn
Spanish culture. Click here to see demo

The Visual Link™ Spanish online Digital Learning Center is our most extensive course with 650 lessons, games and activities. It will boost your vocabulary, teach you essential grammar, basic comprehension and increase awareness of important culture tips to help you avoid embarrassing situations. The online Digital Learning Center is designed to enable the novice learner to speak and understand Spanish naturally.
What Do I Get?

Online Learning (650 lessons)
A variety of interactive visual lessons keep you motivated and increase learning speed and recall.

Lifetime Membership
Currently, subscriptions purchased to the online Digital Learning Center come with a lifetime membership.

Community Support
Join other Visual Link Spanish learners on Facebook and Twitter for support and practice.
What Will I Learn?
The Digital Learning Center will teach you:
- To understand native speakers in virtually any real-life situation, on TV and the radio.
- To speak, read, write and understand Spanish.
Learning Methodology
- A variety of teaching methods and learning styles are used to teach you Spanish in many different ways in the Digital learning center. Get a taste of the wide variety of lessons by clicking on the course images above.
Topics Covered in the Course
Learn over 700 new vocabulary words in 43 different topics with many different lessons, games and activities that keep you motivated and make learning fun. Learn to understand and speak in 12 basic life situations. Learn grammar topics recommended by Spanish teachers across the US. Review verbs in all verb tenses (verb tenses are taught in the verb courses), and finally, learn about key free resources on the internet for learning more Spanish.
Ordering Information
- All major credit card, e-checks and PayPal accepted
- Your information is protected using the highest levels of internet security
- Please Note: after placing your order, please check your email for login information. If you do not see an email, please check your junk/spam folder for an email from Visual Link Spanish and be sure to mark as "Not Spam/Junk". We completely respect your privacy and will never give away or sell your personal information.
System Requirements
- Flash Player 10.1 or higher
- 1 GB of RAM
- Windows: Intel Core Duo 1.8GHz or higher
- 1024x768 screen resolution or higher