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Posts Tagged ‘goals’

by Jake Beus

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December 29th, 2011

New Year’s Goals in Spanish

It’s that special time of year when we reflect back on the year we’ve shared together. It’s time to reflect on the good times and the bad times. It’s time to learn from your mistakes and your goals and make better ones for the upcoming year. If learning Spanish is one of those goals, then you may want to be able to talk about the goals you’ll set in Spanish.

Since it’s important for you to share your goals (unless they’re too personal) with others, please be sure to visit us on Facebook to share what your goals are for the upcoming year in Spanish. Help us help you and encourage others to achieve their goals. Everybody can use some encouragement.

Here is the vocabulary from the video:

What are your goals for the new year?
¿Cuáles son sus metas para el año que viene?
My goal is to…
Mi meta es…
…write a book
…escribir un libro
…do more exercise
…hacer más ejercicio
…lose weight
…bajar de peso
…become healthier
…ser más saludable
…eat healthier
…comer más saludable
…learn Spanish
…aprender español
…learn a new language
…aprender un nuevo idioma
…listen better
…escuchar mejor
…run in a marathon
…correr en un maratón
…read 5 books
…leer cinco libros
…read 20 books
…leer veinte libros
…receive a degree at the university
…recibir un título en la Universidad
Question of the week:
What are your goals for the new year? ¿Cuáles son sus metas para el año que viene?

Next week I am going to give you some tips to help you achieve your goals. But for now, the important thing is setting your goals. So go ahead and get started now and tell us on Facebook what your goals are!

Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:

January 6, 2012 – Reaching Your Goals

January 13, 2012 – Winter Weather

January 20, 2012 – Spanish for your Grandparents

by Jake Beus

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December 28th, 2011

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I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas season. I hope that you made some time for the most important people in your life. As the end of 2011 draws near, I find myself in reflection mode. My mind is full of questions like:

What were the highlights and low-lights of this past year?
What did I learn?
What did I forget to do?
Did I accomplish my goals?
What did I accomplish?

Personally, I hope to learn from 2011 and apply what I learned in 2012. I know that many of you reading this blog post have a goal to learn Spanish. That is a good goal; however, perhaps you should be a bit more specific. Instead of merely saying that you want to learn Spanish, I recommend that you set a goal to become fluent in basic conversational Spanish. This will help you to focus on the goal at hand.

Not being specific enough with my goals is one mistake that I made this past year. Everybody makes mistakes and I make a lot of them. The best way to learn is from the mistakes of others. This is a grand opportunity for you to learn from some of mine regarding goals. Here are a few more mistakes I made in regards to goals:

1. I wrote my goals down, then I forgot them.
2. I set too many goals, thus there was not enough focus on individual goals.
3. I wasn’t specific enough with my goals.
4. I didn’t celebrate the small successes.

I will elaborate further in an upcoming video lesson and blog post, but that tells the tale for the most part. As you reflect on the past year, don’t allow yourself to be overcome by your mistakes. I am a firm believer in positive thinking when I remember to positively think.

by Jake Beus

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October 7th, 2011

I would like to start out this post by giving a shout out to Elise Taylor, the customer service manager. Today is her last day working for Visual Link Languages as she will be moving on to other things in her work life.  Many of you may have talked to Elise on the phone or communicated with her via email over the years. She has worked very well with co-workers and with customers alike. If you happen to live in Utah, she is also a great photographer. So, a big thanks goes to you, Elise, for being a great co-worker and friend. It has been wonderful to have you here and I wish you well in your future endeavors.

The weekend is a time for many things. For me, it is often a time to catch up on the things I have been unable to do during the week. I have been thinking a lot lately about routine. Many of the good routines and habits I have during the weekdays are often put aside during the weekend. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are typically not the days that I eat healthy, exercise, and study. I must admit that it feels good in the moment to have a break from all of those things, but on Sunday nights and early Monday mornings I tend to review my weekend and feel a little bad to have broken my good habits and routines.

I think it’s good to give yourself a break sometimes, but how much break is too much break? Consistency is one of the hardest things about life. Consistently working hard to reach your goals is not an easy task. Since learning Spanish to some degree is probably a goal for many of you readers, being consistent is something you deal with as well. It is important to consistently study Spanish. If you go weeks without studying, you will likely lose some of the Spanish knowledge you’ve gained. I encourage you to make a better effort this weekend to make time for the things that are truly important to you. I promise to do the same.

So, let’s welcome the weekend together and not forget about the things we’ve accomplished this week. Definitely fit some fun in there if you can. Keep the momentum building. Have a great weekend!


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