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Posts Tagged ‘beach’

by Jake Beus

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September 26th, 2011

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Have you been to a beach in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, or Mexico? Perhaps you visited the beach of a different Spanish-speaking country. Many of the vacations to Spanish-speaking countries include time on the beach, and rightfully so. Here is a vocabulary list that you’ll need for speaking Spanish on the beach:

swimsuit | traje de baño
beach chair | silla de playa
lifeguard | el/la salvavidas
whistle | silbato
beach ball | pelota de playa
beach towel | toalla de playa
beach umbrella | parasol/sombrilla de playa
wave | ola
tube | tubo
sand | arena
sandcastle | castillo de arena
suntan lotion | loción para el sol
cooler | hielera/nevera
to swim | nadar
I want to swim. | Quiero nadar.
Are there sharks in the water? | ¿Hay tiburones en el agua?

Challenge: Visit a beach, practice this vocabulary, and tell me about your experience.

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