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Posts Tagged ‘2012’

by Jake Beus

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January 12th, 2012

Learn Spanish in 2012

Setting a goal to learn Spanish is a great goal. I hope that the video you just watched will help you in your journey to learn Spanish.

Last week I asked you to post what your goals are for the upcoming year. Take the next step and share how you are going to achieve those goals with others and with us on  us on Facebook.  Help us help you and encourage others to achieve their goals. We can all use some encouragement.

Here is the vocabulary from the video:

How are you going to achieve your goals in 2012?
¿Cómo vas a lograr tus metas en 2012?
I need to set goals.
Necesito fijar metas.
I am going to set specific goals.
I am going to set specific goals.
I am going to write down my goals.
Voy a escribir mis metas.
I am going to share my goals with others.
Voy a compartir mis metas con otros.
I am going to put my goals in a place where I see them everyday.
Voy a poner mis metas en un lugar donde las veo cada día.
I am going to dedicate 30 minutes each day to my goal.
Voy a dedicarme a mi meta 30 minutos al día.
I am going to work hard.
Voy a trabjar duro.
I am going to laugh about my mistakes, learn from them, and keep moving forward.
Voy a reírme de mis equivocaciones, aprender y seguir adelante.
Question of the week:
How are you going to achieve your goals in 2012?
¿Cómo vas a lograr tus metas en 2012?

This will be the end of the normal Facebook Fiesta Friday video lessons for awhile. We are going to be creating daily videos that guide you through the course and tell you what you should do and learn each day. We have received a lot of positive feedback about this idea and we believe it will help Spanish learners stay motivated and efficient in their Spanish studies. If you have the goal to be fluent in basic conversational Spanish this year, then I highly recommend that you follow along with the videos each day. You will see daily improvement.

by Jake Beus

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January 3rd, 2012

Now that you have recovered from the holidays, it’s time to get back into real life. I hope you had a great time and I’m glad you made it through it all alive and well. If you didn’t take time to set some new goals for the new year, you don’t have to wait until 2013 to set new goals. Begin right now and write down your goals for 2012.

A new year can bring new hopes, dreams, challenges, and more more things to your life. One of my goals for this year is to give you a challenge on each of my blog posts this year. If I’m not challenging you and helping you learn Spanish, then I’m not doing my job as well as I should.

I want to make sure that I’m providing you with information you’d like to know related to learning Spanish. So today’s challenge will be quite simple:

Answer these questions in the comment section:
What would you like to learn this year from this blog?
How can we improve?

by Jake Beus

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December 30th, 2011

From all of us here at Visual Link Spanish, I’d like to wish you a very happy New Year. 2011 has been a fantastic year. Personally, I’ve enjoyed being a very small part of your lives this past year as I’ve tried my best to give you tips, updates, discounts, and anything else I could think of to help you on your journey to learn Spanish the right way. I hope that I have helped motivate you to continue your journey into 2012.

The best way to learn Spanish is obviously to live in a Spanish speaking country and be completely immersed in the Spanish language. That is not possible for most of us, so we do the best we can using our native tongue while learning Spanish at the same time. I highly recommend that you spend at least 15 minutes each day using the Visual Link Spanish software or some other method of learning. Cramming sessions are just as effective as they were in high school; they will help you pass the test, but you will soon forget the majority of what you crammed into your brain. I encourage you to set a goal to make time for learning every day.

With that I will leave you for the year and let you begin your preparations for the New Year. Have fun and I hope you are able to bring in the New Year with the people you desire. And of course, please be responsible and safe with your New Year’s celebrations. Plan wisely and enjoy!

by Jake Beus

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December 29th, 2011

New Year’s Goals in Spanish

It’s that special time of year when we reflect back on the year we’ve shared together. It’s time to reflect on the good times and the bad times. It’s time to learn from your mistakes and your goals and make better ones for the upcoming year. If learning Spanish is one of those goals, then you may want to be able to talk about the goals you’ll set in Spanish.

Since it’s important for you to share your goals (unless they’re too personal) with others, please be sure to visit us on Facebook to share what your goals are for the upcoming year in Spanish. Help us help you and encourage others to achieve their goals. Everybody can use some encouragement.

Here is the vocabulary from the video:

What are your goals for the new year?
¿Cuáles son sus metas para el año que viene?
My goal is to…
Mi meta es…
…write a book
…escribir un libro
…do more exercise
…hacer más ejercicio
…lose weight
…bajar de peso
…become healthier
…ser más saludable
…eat healthier
…comer más saludable
…learn Spanish
…aprender español
…learn a new language
…aprender un nuevo idioma
…listen better
…escuchar mejor
…run in a marathon
…correr en un maratón
…read 5 books
…leer cinco libros
…read 20 books
…leer veinte libros
…receive a degree at the university
…recibir un título en la Universidad
Question of the week:
What are your goals for the new year? ¿Cuáles son sus metas para el año que viene?

Next week I am going to give you some tips to help you achieve your goals. But for now, the important thing is setting your goals. So go ahead and get started now and tell us on Facebook what your goals are!

Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:

January 6, 2012 – Reaching Your Goals

January 13, 2012 – Winter Weather

January 20, 2012 – Spanish for your Grandparents

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