This is the first free lesson of the Visual Link Spanish Level 1 course, so watch and learn!
View the entire Level 1 Spanish course on YouTube for free.
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More Spanish, More Effective, Less Money |
This is the first free lesson of the Visual Link Spanish Level 1 course, so watch and learn!
View the entire Level 1 Spanish course on YouTube for free.
Learn Spanish in 2012
Setting a goal to learn Spanish is a great goal. I hope that the video you just watched will help you in your journey to learn Spanish.
Last week I asked you to post what your goals are for the upcoming year. Take the next step and share how you are going to achieve those goals with others and with us on us on Facebook. Help us help you and encourage others to achieve their goals. We can all use some encouragement.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
How are you going to achieve your goals in 2012?
¿Cómo vas a lograr tus metas en 2012?
I need to set goals.
Necesito fijar metas.
I am going to set specific goals.
I am going to set specific goals.
I am going to write down my goals.
Voy a escribir mis metas.
I am going to share my goals with others.
Voy a compartir mis metas con otros.
I am going to put my goals in a place where I see them everyday.
Voy a poner mis metas en un lugar donde las veo cada día.
I am going to dedicate 30 minutes each day to my goal.
Voy a dedicarme a mi meta 30 minutos al día.
I am going to work hard.
Voy a trabjar duro.
I am going to laugh about my mistakes, learn from them, and keep moving forward.
Voy a reírme de mis equivocaciones, aprender y seguir adelante.
Question of the week: | |
How are you going to achieve your goals in 2012?
¿Cómo vas a lograr tus metas en 2012?
This will be the end of the normal Facebook Fiesta Friday video lessons for awhile. We are going to be creating daily videos that guide you through the course and tell you what you should do and learn each day. We have received a lot of positive feedback about this idea and we believe it will help Spanish learners stay motivated and efficient in their Spanish studies. If you have the goal to be fluent in basic conversational Spanish this year, then I highly recommend that you follow along with the videos each day. You will see daily improvement.
New Year’s Goals in Spanish
It’s that special time of year when we reflect back on the year we’ve shared together. It’s time to reflect on the good times and the bad times. It’s time to learn from your mistakes and your goals and make better ones for the upcoming year. If learning Spanish is one of those goals, then you may want to be able to talk about the goals you’ll set in Spanish.
Since it’s important for you to share your goals (unless they’re too personal) with others, please be sure to visit us on Facebook to share what your goals are for the upcoming year in Spanish. Help us help you and encourage others to achieve their goals. Everybody can use some encouragement.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
What are your goals for the new year?
¿Cuáles son sus metas para el año que viene?
My goal is to…
Mi meta es…
…write a book
…escribir un libro
…do more exercise
…hacer más ejercicio
…lose weight
…bajar de peso
…become healthier
…ser más saludable
…eat healthier
…comer más saludable
…learn Spanish
…aprender español
…learn a new language
…aprender un nuevo idioma
…listen better
…escuchar mejor
…run in a marathon
…correr en un maratón
…read 5 books
…leer cinco libros
…read 20 books
…leer veinte libros
…receive a degree at the university
…recibir un título en la Universidad
Question of the week: | |
What are your goals for the new year? | ¿Cuáles son sus metas para el año que viene? |
Next week I am going to give you some tips to help you achieve your goals. But for now, the important thing is setting your goals. So go ahead and get started now and tell us on Facebook what your goals are!
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
January 6, 2012 – Reaching Your Goals
January 13, 2012 – Winter Weather
January 20, 2012 – Spanish for your Grandparents
Christmas Spanish
I’m not Santa Claus, but I do have something I’d like to give to everyone this Christmas: a free Level I audio course on MP3 (before we created our software, we used to sell the audio course for $100 – and now, we’re giving it to you FREE as part of our 12 days of Christmas + 1)! Help me get the message out on this special offer because it will not be available after the 26th of December.
I hope you enjoyed the Christmas Spanish video lesson. Be sure to visit us tomorrow on Facebook to practice your Spanish and answer the questions of the week. Please tell us what you want for Christmas and what your Christmas traditions are. Anyone who answers those questions is automatically entered in a contest for a chance to win free Visual Link Spanish software.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
Merry Christmas
Feliz Navidad
Come and eat with us.
Ven a comer con nosotros.
Come and eat with us (if you are talking to more than one person)
Vengan a comer con nosotros.
Did Santa Claus come?
¿Vino Papá Noel/Santa Clos?
What do you want for Christmas?
¿Qué quieres para la Navidad?
I want…
Quiero… (Rob, Leave this up please)
to spend time with my family.
pasar tiempo con mi familia.
a new phone.
un teléfono nuevo.
Questions of the Week:
What do you want for Christmas?
¿Qué quieres para la Navidad?
What are your Christmas traditions?
¿Cuáles son tus tradiciones navideñas?
If you are thinking about 2012 and what you will accomplish, be sure to add learning Spanish to your goals. Do some fun things, but be sure to also educate yourself and enhance your life.
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
December 30, 2011 – New Year’s Resolutions
January 6, 2012 – Reaching Your Goals
January 13, 2012 – Winter Weather
Sub for Santa Spanish
At this time of year, with all we’ve been blessed with – like the Visual Link Spanish blog, Facebook Fiesta Friday, a warm home to sleep in and food to eat, I hope we can remember those less fortunate than us and get involved with a Sub for Santa helping those in need.
As a part of giving back to you this Christmas/Holiday season, we are giving everyone a free Level I audio course on MP3 (before we created our software, we used to sell the audio course for $100 – and now, we’re giving it to you FREE as part of our 12 days of Christmas + 1)! Be sure and tell all your friends about it. But BEWARE! the day after Christmas it will be gone, so if you don’t download all the audios by then, you will have lost your opportunity. Honestly, we hope that thousands of courses are downloaded so the holiday cheer can be spread all around the world. Facebook it and Tweet it out. Next, be sure to visit us tomorrow on Facebook to practice your Spanish and tell us about a Sub for Santa experience you’ve had.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
Surprise Christmas | Navidad de sorpresa |
How many boys do you have? | ¿Cuántos varones tienen? |
How daughters do you have? | ¿Cuántas hijas tienen? |
How old are they? | ¿Cuántos años tienen? |
What size is he? | ¿Qué tamaño es él? |
What size is she? | ¿Qué tamaño es ella? |
We have some presents for you. | Tenemos unos regalos para Uds. |
We want to give them to you at your house. | Queremos dárselos en su casa. |
When will you be home? | ¿Cuándo van a estar en casa? |
Merry Christmas! | ¡Feliz Navidad! |
How are you? | ¿Cómo están Uds.? |
These presents are for you. | Estos regalos son para Uds. |
You’re welcome | De nada |
I hope you have a great Christmas! | ¡Espero que pasen una buena Navidad! |
Question of the week: | |
Have you done a surprise Christmas before? | ¿Ha hecho una Navidad de sorpresa antes? |
This Saturday, be sure to come back to the blog for a post that answers a question about “Why Spanish speakers don’t use ‘yo, tú, él, ella, etc.’ when they speak”.
Also, you can still get Visual Link with a huge discount and on-time for Christmas! Come to our website Monday for a FREE 2-day Express shipping sale with 55% off everything in our catalog. This offer will expire on Tuesday – be sure to check Facebook on Monday for the coupon code and more info.
Visual Link Spanish Online Catalog
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
December 23, 2011 – Christmas Spanish Lesson
December 30, 2011 – New Year’s Resolutions
January 6, 2012 – Reaching Your Goals (an exciting lesson by Jake on how to keep our New Year’s resolutions – I’m excited!)
Volunteer Spanish
Did you enjoy the video? I hope that you learned something. I hope you are now more ready to spread some Christmas cheer through volunteering and practicing your Spanish at the same time. Visit Visual Link Spanish on Facebook and practice your new Spanish for volunteers vocabulary. Give a little bit of yourself and your time to someone else this Christmas season.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
Hi, my name is…
Hola, me llamo…
What’s your name?
¿Cómo te llamas?
Nice to meet you.
Mucho gusto.
How can I help you?
¿En qué puedo ayudarte?
I am here to help you.
Estoy aquí para ayudarte.
I am a volunteer and I want to be your friend.
Soy voluntario y quiero ser tu amigo/a.
How are you?
¿Cómo estás?
I am doing well, thanks.
Estoy bien, gracias.
Can you help me?
¿Puedes ayudarme?
This is for your family.
Esto es para tu familia.
Merry Christmas
Feliz Navidad
Questions of the week:
Where do you like to volunteer?
¿Dónde te gusta servir como voluntario?
I look forward to your responses to the question of the week. This could be a great way to raise awareness of your favorite volunteer organizations. In addition to raising awareness, you will automatically be entered to win free Visual Link Spanish software just for participating with us on Facebook.
If you are looking for a special gift for a family member or friend who wants to learn Spanish, we are having our Christmas Blowout sale right now on the Visual Link Spanish online catalog. Use the coupon code 55CHRISTMAS for 55% off everything on the catalog page. It ends December 9th at 11:59 EST.
Visual Link Spanish Online Catalog
Coupon Code: 55CHRISTMAS
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
December 16, 2011 – Spanish for Sub For Santa
December 23, 2011 – Christmas Spanish Lesson
December 30, 2011 – New Year’s Resolutions
Winter Spanish Video Lesson
We would love to know what you like to do in the winter. Come share on or Visual Link Spanish Facebook page on Friday where we can all practice Spanish together. I love teaching Spanish and I love learning more and more Spanish. If you like our blog, Facebook page and/or Visual Link Spanish products, be sure and share with friends. You can use the social media tags at the top of each blog post. We would also love to hear from you! Comment at the bottom of each blog post. You can ask questions, post comments or share experiences you’ve had in learning Spanish.
As mentioned in the video, here is a link to our FREE ONE MONTH TRIAL
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
Question of the Week | |
What do you like to do in the winter? | ¿Qué te gusta hacer en el invierno? |
I like to make… | Me gusta hacer… |
…snowballs | …bolas de nieve |
…snowmen | …hombres de nieve |
…snowwomen (politically correct) | …mujeres de nieve |
…hot cocoa | …chocolate caliente |
…fruit cake (in some SP countries) | …panetón |
I like to… | Me gusta… |
…read by the fire | …leer por el fuego |
…ski | …esquiar |
…buy Christmas presents | …comprar regalos para la Navidad |
…go to the theater | …ir al teatro |
Jake and I hope to see you on Facebook this Friday. Come join us to practice Spanish. If you haven’t purchased the Visual Link Spanish course yet, we have some great Christmas deals going on. You can start right here at our learn Spanish free online page.
¡Hasta luego mis amigos!
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
December 9, 2011 – Spanish for Volunteers
December 16, 2011 – Spanish for Sub For Santa
December 23, 2011 – Christmas Spanish Lesson
Spanish For Black Friday
Black Friday can be a very crazy day. We want to arm you with Spanish vocabulary so that you can get what you want and help others get what they want. Try and remember the Thanksgiving holiday and be thankful for what you have. Do your best not to get too crazy. Visit Visual Link Spanish on Facebook and practice your new Black Friday Spanish vocabulary. The more you practice, the more success you will have in the crazy shopping atmosphere.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
Don’t take that!
¡No tome eso!
That’s mine!
¡Eso es mío!
Calm down!
Go grab your own, not mine!
¡Agarre su propio, no el mío!
Where are the free laptops?
¿Dónde están los laptops gratis?
Where are the free laptops?
¿Dónde están las computadoras portátiles gratis?
Where are the free iPads?
¿Dónde están los iPads gratis?
Are there more of these?
¿Hay más de estos?
It’s not that important.
No es tan importante.
You can have it.
Usted (Ud.) lo puede tener.
It’s not that big of a deal.
No es para tanto.
Do you have as many as you wanted?
¿Tiene cuanto quería?
I can ask the manager if there are more.
Puedo preguntarle al gerente si hay más.
This was for my crippled son, but you can have it.
Esto era para mi hijo cojo, pero Ud. lo puede tener.
I hope you have a great Christmas.
Espero que tenga una buena Navidad.
Questions of the week:
Are you going to shop on Black Friday?
¿Vas a hacer compras el Viernes Negro?
What are you going to buy?
¿Qué vas a comprar?
Dave and I hope that the vocabulary will increase your fun and success. Taking a moment to learn Spanish online could help you have a much more enjoyable holiday season. Share your kindness in as many languages as possible over the holidays.
If you are looking for a special gift for a family member or friend who wants to learn Spanish, we are having our Black Friday sale right now on the Visual Link Spanish online catalog. Use the coupon code BLACK for 50% off everything on the catalog page.
Visual Link Spanish Online Catalog
Coupon Code: BLACK
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
December 2, 2011 – ???
December 9, 2011 – ???
December 16, 2011 – ???
Thanksgiving Spanish Vocabulary
It’s almost time for my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving. It is that special day of the year dedicated to 3 of my favorite things: family, food, and football. It is a time to be grateful for what you have in both a tangible and intangible sense. So, how can I tie this into Spanish? I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to learn and continue to learn Spanish. The video and the vocabulary you have learned will help you communicate with any Spanish speakers on this glorious, upcoming Thanksgiving Day. Watch the video, then visit Visual Link Spanish on Facebook to practice what you learned. Dave and I continually encourage you to be conversational. Instead of getting people to complain about their lives, ask them what they are grateful for.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
Thanksgiving Day
Día de Acción de Gracias
What are you thankful for?
¿Por qué estás agradecido?
I’m thankful for…
Estoy agradecido por…
my family
mi familia
my kids
mis hijos
my parents
mis padres
my husband
mi esposo
my wife
mi esposa
my boyfriend
mi novio
my girlfriend
mi novia
the food
la comida
Thank you for…
Gracias por…
loving me
supporting me
making me laugh
hacerme reír
feeding me
darme de comer
Make sure to tell the people you are close to in your life that you are grateful for them. Also, be sure to jump on our Facebook page and tell everyone what you’re grateful for.
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
November 25, 2011 – Black Friday Spanish Lesson
December 2, 2011 – You Tell Us…
December 9, 2011 – You Tell Us…
Spanish for Your Cruise
One of the best ways to practice your Spanish is with native speakers, and one of the most economical ways to do a vacation to a Spanish-speaking country is a cruise. Cruises are my favorite way to travel. They’re fun, there’s great food (as much as you can eat) and you don’t have to make many decisions on a cruise. So, if you are travelling with others, you rarely get in disagreements about what to do or where to go. On a cruise, there are usually 2-4 days of shore excursions (depending on the length of cruise you take). Now, depending on how you want to do your shore excursion, there are different options. You can either pay for a pre-planned tour excursion sold by the cruise ship, or you can go create your own adventure. However, take note, if you plan your own adventure, if you don’t get back to the cruise ship on time, you may miss the boat (literally). The boat does wait for shore excursions that are late – if they were planned by the cruise line. Anyway, as I mentioned, talking with the natives is a fantastic way to practice Spanish. Especially if you’ve already had the chance to learn Spanish online with Visual Link Spanish. Below is some great vocabulary to use on your tour excursions.
After learning the vocabulary, come practice with us on the Visual Link Spanish Facebook Page. Remember, practice really does make perfect.
Here is the vocabulary from the video:
How much does it cost? | ¿Cuánto cuesta? |
I would like to buy this. | Me gustaría comprar esto. |
No, thanks. | No, gracias. |
Too much. No, thanks. | Demasiado. No, gracias. |
Where can I take a taxi? | ¿Dónde puedo tomar un taxi? |
I need to return to the (Royal Caribean) ship. | Necesito regresar al barco Royal Caribean. |
Do you know where it is? | ¿Sabe dónde está? |
Is there a mall (shopping) close by? | ¿Hay un centro comercial cerca? |
Is there a museum close by? | ¿Hay un museo cerca? |
Is there a jewelry store close by? | ¿Hay una tienda de joyas cerca? |
Where is it? | ¿Dónde está? |
Where is it? | ¿Dónde queda? |
Where is a good restaurant? | ¿Dónde está un buen restaurante? |
Can you recommend a good restaurant? | ¿Puede recomendar un buen restaurante? |
How do we get back to the ship? | ¿Cómo regresamos al barco? |
Thanks, you’re very kind. | Gracias, muy amable. |
Question of the week: | |
Where would you like to take a cruise to? | ¿Adónde te gustaría tomar un crucero? |
Health Note: | don’t eat food from street vendors. Drink bottled water or water from a restaurant. |
I sure hope you have the opportunity to go on a cruise soon to practice your Spanish. When you do, please come to our blog and comment. We’d love to hear how it went and if you could understand the Spanish you heard from the natives.
Future Facebook Fiesta Friday Topics:
November 18, 2011 – Thanksgiving Spanish Lesson
November 25, 2011 – Black Friday Spanish Lesson
December 2, 2011 – Winter Spanish Lesson