Spanish Cognates
Cognates are words that have a similar spelling and similar meaning in two languages. False cognates, often called falsos amigos, look similar in both both languages but they don’t share similar meanings. It’s not surprising that these false cognates are often falsely used. They will fake you out much like a fake friend will fake you out. I don’t want you to be false or fake. I want you to say what you mean and mean what you say. Here are some of the most common false Spanish cognates:
Spanish Noun | English Meaning | English Noun | Spanish Meaning |
arena | sand | arena | estadio |
carpeta | folder | carpet | alfombra |
colegio | high school | college | universidad |
costumbre | custom | costume | disfraz |
decepción | disappointment | deception | engaño |
disgusto | argument | disgust | asco, repugnancia |
éxito | success | exit | salida |
idioma | language | idiom | modismo |
librería | bookstore | library | biblioteca |
parientes | relatives, kinfolk | parents | padres |
snetencia | verdict, sentence | sentence | frase, oración |
vaso | glass | vase | florero |
Those are just a few of the false cognates or falsos amigos. Practice using them correctly. It is very common for people to use these words incorrectly. Set yourself apart from those people. Be better. Have you made any of these mistakes? Now you know better. Good luck!
Tags: cognates
quite useful for the learners of spanish language particularly the beginners-srinivasan sundaram