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Conjugated Spanish Verbs Before Infinitives

by Jake Beus

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November 7th, 2011

Certain Spanish verbs may be immediately followed by the infinitive form of another verb. An infinitive verb is essentially an un-conjugated verb. This is not a full list, but here are some of the major conjugated Spanish verbs that may be followed by infinitive verbs and some examples:

querer | to want
Quiero ir al parque. (I want to go to the park.)
Quieren ir a Florida. (They want to go to Florida.)

deber | be obligated to
Debes comer más verduras. (You should eat more vegetables.)
Deben pagar la multa. (You have to pay the fine.)

preferir | prefer to
Prefiero comer solo. (I prefer to eat alone.)
Prefieren vivir en las montañas. (They prefer to live in the mountains.)

esperar | hope to
Espera hablar con Ron Washington. (He hopes to speak with Ron Washington.)
Espero conocer a John Stockton. (I hope to meet John Stockton.)

saber | know how to
Mi hijo no sabe manejar. (My son doesn’t know how to drive.)
Mi padre no sabe cocinar. (My father doesn’t know how to cook.)

necesitar | need to
Necesito dormir. (I need to sleep.)
Necesitas llamar al médico. (You need to call the doctor.)

encantar | love to
Me encantaría cantar con ella. (I would love to sing with her.)
Me encanta nadar en el océano. (I love to swim in the ocean.)

pensar | plan to
Pensamos salir temprano. (We plan to leave early.)
Pienso hablar con él. (I’m planning to speak with him.)

gustar | like to
Me gusta jugar baloncesto. (I like to play basketball.)
Me gusta comer ensalada. (I like to eat salad.)

poder | be able to
No puedo ir contigo. (I can’t go with you.)
Podemos salir a las ocho. (We can leave at eight.)

To master Spanish verb conjugation, try our Spanish verb courses with a free 7 day trial!

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5 Responses

  1. stone nation says:

    I am in my first year spanish and need help. I have no idea how to say the words

  2. carol ann johnson says:

    hello, glad I have the opportunity to have a 7 day study..thank you.

  3. K.S.Sundaram says:

    Gracias por el ejercio sobre verbos conjugation-kallur sundaram

  4. K.S.Sundaram says:

    gracias para su ejercio sobre los verbos conjugation-K.S.Sundaram

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