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Archive for January, 2010

by Brandi

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January 25th, 2010

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Vocabulario de la semana – Vocabulary of the Week

feo – ugly
frecuentemente decimos – we frequently say
que pueden ser – that can be
pueden ser – they can be
un ejemplo es – one example is
el año pasado – last year
y otras frases similares – and other similar phrases
fuerte – strong
ahora – now
vamos a ver – let’s look at (see)
en ceirtas circunstancias – in certain circumstances
generalmente usada/o – generally used
apariencia – appearance
a menos que – unless
ofenderles – to offend them
significado – meaning
muy negativo – very negative
también se usa – it is also used
aquí hay dos ejemplos – here are two examples
abajo – below
un amigo latino – a Latin friend
él estaba conversando con – he was conversing with
ellos estaban hablando – they were talking
acerca de – about
feos – ugly (plural)
lo miraban – they looked at him
bonito – pretty
comida fea – ugly food
dicen – they say
el cual significa – which means
aquí hay otro – here is another
hace unos meses – a few months ago
de vacaciones – on vacation
estaba detrás de mí – was behind me
y entonces – and then
la gente piensa – people think
de una frase – of a phrase
ella estaba hablando – she was talking
un idioma diferente – a different language
de otro modo – otherwise
mucha confusión – a lot of confusion

In the English language frecuentemente decimos particular words que pueden ser very intense when spoken in Spanish. These are words that really should be steered clear of because pueden ser offensive. Un ejemplo es the word “stupid” that we discussed in a previous newsletter el año pasado. In English, some people regularly say, “that was stupid” y otras frases similares. The word “stupid” in Spanish is “estúpido” [es-too-pea-though]; it is exceptionally fuerte and should be avoided in Spanish speech. (more…)

by Brandi

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January 18th, 2010

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Vocabulario de la semana – Vocabulary of the Week

aquí en los Estados Unidos – Here in the U.S.
huelgas – strikes
en las noticias – in the news
hay una huelga de – there’s a strike from
en el periódico – in the newspaper
huelgas laborales – labor strikes
universidades – universities
muchos de ellos – many of them
esto puede ser muy difícil – this can be very difficult
su título – their degree
personalmente – personally
seis años – six years
un negocio – a business
esposo – husband
y – and
padre – father
me sacó una foto – took a picture of me
en cada brazo – in each arm
puede tomar – it can take
todas las huelgas – all the strikes
cuestan mucho más – (they) cost a lot more
algunas universidades – some universities
Consejo General de Huelgas – General Council on Strikes
las huelgas – the strikes
disponible a los estudiantes – available to students
historia – story
es bueno aprender – it’s good to learn
las situaciones – the situations
que enfrentan – (that) they have to deal with (face)
amigos internacionales – international friends
un tema interesante de conversación – an interesting topic of conversation
si tienen más información – if you have more information
hánannos saber – let us know (command form)
en sus países – in your countries

Aquí en los Estados Unidos, you hear about huelgas every once and a while en las noticias. Every couple of years hay una huelga de professional baseball or basketball players. Occasionally en el periódico, you hear about other types of huelgas laborales; however, they are nothing compared to the amount of huelgas found in certain regions of Latin America. (more…)

by Brandi

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January 11th, 2010

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Vocabulario de la semana – Vocabulary of the Week

como he mencionado – as I have mentioned
una de las mejores maneras – one of the best ways
sugerir – to suggest
manera – way
amigos – friends
no sabe mucho inglés – doesn’t know much English
¿Qué debe hacer? – What should you do?
vecindario – neighborhood
un evento latino – a Latin event
mejorar – to improve
música – music
baile – dance
disponible – available
por la primera vez – for the first time
hemos creado – we have created
aquí – here
cuándo – when
qui én va a asistir – who is going to attend
dónde – where
¿Cómo lo hago? – how do I do it?
reglas – rules
por favor – please
también – also
comunicación – communication
al público en general – to the general public
algunas frases – some phrases
me gustaría compartir – I’d like to share
nota cultural – cultural note
generalmente – generally
prioridad – priority
hay muchas excepciones – there are a lot of exceptions
en su país – in your country
información – information

Como he mencionado from previous newsletters, una de las mejores maneras to improve your Spanish, apart from a course like ours, is to converse with native Spanish speakers. Now I would like to sugerir that an even better manera to learn Spanish is to become amigos with native Spanish speakers – especially one that no sabe mucho inglés. (more…)

by Brandi

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January 4th, 2010

With the New Year’s Celebration only a few days away, I have decided to forego our regularly scheduled topic and share some information about New Years culture and baile (dance) among the Latin people. I want you to learn Spanish and learn about the amazing Spanish culture.

If you turn on the television in the United States on New Year’s Eve, you’ll probably see Dick Clark, the Apple dropping in New York, hoards of people in time square making as much noise as possible, famous singers, and even some people dancing. (more…)

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